training camp

Over the weekend I led a session as part of a workshop camp training youth media advocates for is an advocacy group that seeks to raise awareness about issues relating to youth mental health and suicide, and is part of I was very happy to donate my Saturday morning and the couple […]

Steve Jobs RIP: Can Design Make the World a Better Place?

My tweet questioning the outpouring of grief regarding the passing of Steve Jobs has generated a range of responses. My original tweet: Deliberately provocative, it certainly provoked. Perhaps too much, so I am writing this post. My first response to hearing about the news was ‘whoa’ and then I began thinking about Deleuze’s discussion of […]

Online Niche/Enthusiast Media: Business Models

Online business models. I hadn’t thought about ‘business’ at all except in a critical (but not always negative) sense until about a year ago. Here is an abstract to a paper I have in the works. However, I’ve been thinking about business models for the magazines since I’ve been involved in developing a new online […]

Hello Blog!

I’ve been a bit busy lately and have been neglecting my blog. Firstly, I’ve been promoted at my day job from Feature Writer to Production Editor. This has meant a different set of responsibilities, which I am enjoying, but also a new set of opportunities. I’ve been attacking these new opportunities with gusto as my […]