The Australian Newspaper Outrage Cycle

Media editor of The Australian, Sharri Markson, has produced an article titled ‘Activism a threat to journalism‘. In it she draws on sources to argue that ‘activist journalism academics’ on ‘social media’ are a threat to journalism. She paraphrases her boss and Australian newspaper editor, Chris Mitchell: Editor-in-chief of The Australian, Chris Mitchell, said the greatest […]


My comrade in another country, Jason Wilson, has a rousing Guardian column critiquing the middle-class progressive view that credentialised expertise — in the form of political ‘wonks’ — shall save us (and follow up Tumblr post clarifying comments about Piketty’s celebrity wonk book). Jason’s thesis is that politics is inherently antagonistic. The consensus-driven post-war prosperity was an anomaly […]

A simple observation

A simple observation about the current refugee crisis. Australians supporting the current way we deal with refugees as a nation are often concerned about refugees being free loaders and seeking out more than they deserve. Australia is a rich and prosperous country, why should others who are less fortunate demand a slice of our fortune? […]

No Shared Identity?

Mark Fisher‘s recent piece on “Exiting the Vampire Castle” earned a response (“B-Grade Politics“) from Angela Mitropoulos. EDIT 27/11/13: See comments below. I am accused of individualising critique on the grounds it is ‘personal’. I’ve removed the section that placed Angela’s comments in the context of her other recent online postings where she is critical of […]