Goodbye to the News?

Nikki Usher‘s 2010 article in New Media & Society “Goodbye to the news: how out-of-work journalists assess enduring news values and the new media landscape” examines the goodbye letters, emails, speeches, columns and blog postings — “final musings” — of journalists who have been laid off, taken a ‘voluntary buyout’ or who have left the […] training camp

Over the weekend I led a session as part of a workshop camp training youth media advocates for is an advocacy group that seeks to raise awareness about issues relating to youth mental health and suicide, and is part of I was very happy to donate my Saturday morning and the couple […]

Pub Theory: Cultural Studies when it isn’t

Mel Gregg has a post on her blog about how no one has come forward wanting to host the annual CSAA conference. In the comments she writes this zinger: But the consistency with which the association has backed away from engaging in activism, on the very basis of its inclusiveness, is perhaps the impasse that […]

Subscription-based streaming of tourist locales for private consumption on wall size screens

Idea: Subscription-based live streaming of tourist locales for private consumption on wall size screens. One way remote, beach-side, famous or whatever tourist location-based businesses can make money is to have a multi-camera live video and audio recording of whatever view they have of their locale (and ambience produced) and then broadcast it live to subscribers […]