Beers Without Borders

Beers Without Borders. So I spoke to a whole bunch of people. Drank some beers. Lowered some borders. Well not quite. I just remembered that at some point in the night I offered a comparative reading of Derrida’s, Deleuze’s and Badiou’s respective conceptions of the event. I think it was after we had a conversation about using the “Best Subeditor in the World!” joke as a pickup line. Comparative readings of the philosophy of the event definitely do not serve as a good pickup line. I probably could’ve got away with it until I started using Bergsonian readings of Whitehead to explain Deleuze’s conception of the event. Laughing. Hard.

I was feeling a few lights short of a chandelier by the end of the night. So this was me at about 6:30.

James was cool, as always. It was nice to meet Myriam, Ele, and the dude from the UN youth thing and the woman that edited the xXx Test essay of mine in Philament. Phillipa from the CCR was there, shouts. A woman from autouni, missed her name. Also, the woman from UTS, I think, who I talked to about Selda’s work on the relatively recent gang rape cases in Sydney.

However, after all that I was extremely glad to have a drink as I had spent the afternoon walking around Kings Cross doing interviews. It is extremely tiring work and I was totally knackered after four 30-35 minute interviews. The interviews were for another project for which I have been hired. I think the list of short-term RA work on my CV is getting quite long.

Oh, and I have pledged to sign up to a new policy wonk think tank, the Centre for Policy Development. See what happens.