Meme: Passion Quilt

I’ve been tagged by Michael over at Eurhythmania.

Post a picture or make/take/create your own that captures what YOU are most passionate for students to learn about.

Give your picture a short title.

Title your blog post “Meme: Passion Quilt.”

Link back to this blog entry [I assume the ‘this link back’ part is to the person who tags you].

Include links to 5 (or more) educators.

I’ve created a diagram of what I am the most passionate for my students to learn about. I use this diagram at some point in every class I teach or tutor.


I learnt it from Prof Bob Hodge. It represents a non-linear process of differentiating feedback. The timeline is the spiral, whenever you start something you are in the middle. The coloured lines are ideas, questions or problems that you return to in different ways in different points in time. I use it to teach about the researching, writing and interviewing process.

An example, research. When information/data/ideas derived from the process (carried out along the black sprial timeline) the points or segments represented by the intersection of coloured lines must be transformed into another line or structure and ordered (this is another non-linear process of differentiating feedback: writing).

Another example, I had a conversation with a student where here was mildly peturbed that I could tell that his essay had not be redrafted. The editing and spelling errors were obvious, but even diligent writers have these sometimes. Rather, it was the location of the central point of his essay, burried 2/3 into it, that signalled he had not written beyond a first draft. Coming up with essay plans works sometimes, but, often in the humanities, part of the thinking work goes on once the actual writing process begins and scholars (students or academics) are forced to order their thinking. This provides the infrastructure for yet another non-linear process of differentiating feedback: thinking.

More complex versions of this diagram are possible. Each time the ‘same’ point (ie coloured line) is encountered it ceases to be the ‘same’ point. Each differentiation is an event.