Owning it

Emmy has a post up about Summer Heights High. She notes the show raises questions of class, gender and race in the performance of Chris Lilley. Emmy writes: In Summer Heights High, Jonah must do constant battle with a language that he does not own by virtue of either birth or class. As a migrant, […]

Ars Technica on Academic Web 2.0

Web 2.0… The foul urgency of capital colonising the future with its iterative technonsense is about as fun listening to the ignorant middle-classes discussing backyard renovations. Ars Technica has a report on a report on the obvious incompatability Web 2.0 with the scholarly practice. Two reasons why the hype-machine of Web 2.0 will not work […]

In Perth

If you had not already guessed, I am in Perth. Here I am about to open a bottle of Pol Roger Cuvée Sir Winston Churchill champagne. Yeah, my parents drink this all the time… lol I finally figured out how to use the Yahoo-Flickr recover password page, so I have uploaded some image to Flickr. […]