The Map is the Territory

Mel has a very interesting work in progress paper up on her blog on “The territory of the post-professional“. We sometimes share very similar research interests. I’ve also looked at questions of territory and technological assemblages in my Communications Technologies & Change unit this semester. In one week we looked at the relation between predictive […]

Contemporary Nihilism

“With the emergence of a privileged mediocrity, the innocent life became accessible to the masses.” One of the more interesting essays in the Media Archive collection is on Contemporary Nihilism: Innocence Reorganised. I have elsewhere described a quality of this as ‘performative stupidity’. From ‘Contemporary Nihilism’: The innocent thrive on everyday ritual; it’s what makes […]

Bogost’s Philosophical Carpentry of what?

During my trip last weekend back to Perth for an old school friend’s wedding, I woke up at about 3am in the midst of a jet lag and impending lecture writing anxiety, and couldn’t get back to sleep. I thought this was an appropriate time to read the ‘Carpentry’ chapter of Ian Bogost’s recent book […]

Is it Manning Clark’s History of Australia?

I’m doing some preliminary work for a media archaeology project involving a geneaology of economies of knowledge and ‘know how’. I came across the below. From Manning Clark‘s History of Australia: From on of the first settler accounts A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson (1793) available through the University of Sydney’s Australian […]